Development updates - Youtube and Vimeo video embedded in post.

eeBootstrap Support Team
eeBootstrap Support Team
Total Posts:  105
Joined  22-09-2014
11 November 2014 12:00

In the next release will be present the bbcode to embed Youtube and Vimeo video in post absolutely RESPONSIVE, tested on iPhone and iPad.

These are the instructions to embed video in post using bbcode:


[ vimeo ]video_id[ /vimeo ] 

Warning: without spaces in the brackets (to avoid the interpretation of the bbcode I had to insert spaces between the brackets)

where video_id is part of URL, example:

This is the result:


[ youtube ]video_id[ /youtube ] 

Warning: without spaces in the brackets (to avoid the interpretation of the bbcode I had to insert spaces between the brackets)

where video_id is part of URL, example: or

This is the result: