eeBootstrap theme 1.0.0 Released.

eeBootstrap Support Team
eeBootstrap Support Team
Total Posts:  105
Joined  22-09-2014
02 November 2014 11:54

Today, we are pleased to release eeBootstrap theme 1.0.0

eeBootstrap is a professional theme for ExpressionEngine Forum Discussion Module, it’s developed with the latest version of Twitter Bootstrap framework, HTML5 e CSS3.

eeBootstrap is compatible with the recent version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Google Chrome web browsers.

eeBootstrap theme changes based on the size and capabilities of the device that you use. Your users will be happy to read and write on the forum even from a smartphone!

With the code clean and fully optimized, HTML5 & CSS3 Validated, without any graphic file, your forum will be loaded faster and your users will notice this immediately!

This release is coded using:

- jQuery v1.11.1
- Bootstrap v3.3.0
- BootstrapValidator v0.5.1
- jQuery scrollToTop - v0.3.0
- jQuery Cookie Plugin v1.4.0
- Bootstrap FileStyle v1.1.2
- Lightbox v2.7.1
- Font Awesome 4.2.0

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