What is the expected process for upgrading the forum from EE2 to EE3. I don’t know whether to start in EE2 or just wait for the ee bootstrap EE3 version. Thank you.
take a look at these:
-> https://support.ellislab.com/bugs/detail/21194/forum-templates-not-found-forums
-> https://support.ellislab.com/bugs/detail/21181/discussion-forum-pathimage_url-point-to-wrong-directory
These are know bugs in EE 3.x + ExpressionEngine Discussion Forum - version 3.1.19 and are not eeBootstrap Theme problem…
When the bugs are solved I try to update this site. (eeBootstrap.com) with EE 3
So far basic setup seems to work with EE3.0.3. (I got the patch from EllisLab that is related to case sensitive systems -> https://support.ellislab.com/bugs/detail/21326/cant-edit-forum-templates-in-the-template-manager). Only oddness is that when I uploaded my eebootstrap from devotee and set it up, it shows version Wonder why… Could you provide me the 1.0.4 so I can test some more if there is something I can pinpoint to you according to this theme and EE3.X?
Only oddness is that when I uploaded my eebootstrap from devotee and set it up, it shows version Wonder why… Could you provide me the 1.0.4 so I can test some more if there is something I can pinpoint to you according to this theme and EE3.X?
The eeBootstrap is stable version, no update are necessary for the actual release of Forum Module bundled with EE 3.x.